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Have you ever loved a product so much that you just had to tell others about it? Most of us have recommended something to our friends and family. But, did you know you can earn money for doing that? It’s true, you can get paid to promote products. And you can do it without bombarding your personal social media feeds with sales post after sales post, too.
There are lots of different ways to earn money promoting products. Let’s take a closer look at five of the most popular options.
Become a Brand Ambassador
A brand ambassador is enthusiastic about the brand they represent and becomes a face of the company. They are knowledgeable about the products or services offered and can easily identify the target audience. Back before the internet, brand ambassadors were almost exclusively celebrities. But that has all changed now.
Companies want brand ambassadors from all walks of life, because they can reach more people. They want to improve brand awareness by getting people talking about them in a positive light. Word of mouth advertising is powerful, and these superfans really do help improve sales.
The role of a brand ambassador varies from company to company. Always check out the details before you begin, and make sure they benefit you and not just the business. This role may include attending marketing events or creating content to help spread the word to as many people as possible.
If you’re interested in getting started as a brand ambassador, you can connect directly with brands. It’s best to start off with smaller companies or startups at first, while you build your skills.
How to Become a Brand Ambassador
Use Your Blog
One of my personal favorite ways to earn money for promoting products is through affiliate marketing here on my blog. As an affiliate, you get a special link from a business. Then, when people click through your link and make a purchase, you get a commission. It’s like being a salesperson, except you don’t work directly for the company. Instead, you utilize your blog.
You create helpful content that relates to an affiliate product. Then, you include your affiliate link in that post. Here are five types of content that work well for affiliate marketing, plus a sample post of that kind:
- Reviews (Is Freelance University Worth It? Here’s My In-Depth Review)
- Tutorials (Why Blog? 7 Great Reasons to Start a Blog in 2019 + how to do it)
- Roundups (10 of the Best Places to Sell Your Used Textbooks)
- List of Tools (10 Awesome Blogging Tools that Cost Less than $15/month)
- How to Posts (FlexJobs Review)
As you brainstorm blog post ideas, keep your audience in mind. What will they be searching for on Google? Write content that corresponds with that, and make sure it’s good content. No junk allowed, or you won’t ever make any sales.
To learn more about affiliate marketing, check out these posts:
4 Great Affiliate Marketing Programs for Beginners
10 Affiliate Marketing Tips to Increase Sales
Write Sponsored Posts
Affiliate marketing isn’t the only way a blogger can get paid to promote products. They can also work directly with companies to create sponsored posts. Sponsored posts are when the company pays you to write the content. They may give you free product, money, or a combination of compensation.
You will work with the company to work out all the details. You may need to write a blog post about a specific product, or just include the brand in your post in a natural manner. Make sure you do a good job, since you are building your portfolio. Then you can land better paying sponsored post gigs.
Interested in reaching out to brands to land some sponsorships? Read this post first:
Top Ten Guidelines for a Great Sponsored Post + Checklist
Do Direct Sales
Some products aren’t available in stores. The only way to purchase them is through a person who is connected with the company. With direct sales, you will have specific products you are selling, and your goal is to sell them.
You typically earn money both for selling products, and for recruiting others to join the team. It’s a flexible way to earn extra income for promoting products that you use and love.
There are direct sales companies in so many industries. Avon and Tupperware are two that have been around practically forever, but they are not the only ones. You have likely also heard about companies like Stella & Dot, Scentsy and more.
If you’re interested in direct sales, take time to research. Learn about the company and products. Find out what the pay structure is like. Know how much it will cost you to join, and if you have a monthly minimum you have to meet. Always be informed before you join a company. You will be much more successful that way.
For more info on Direct Sales, read this post:
Direct Sales Bailed Me Out of Over $35000 in Debt
Become a Social Media Influencer
Do you have a large social media following? Are you used to creating quality content that drives engagement? If yes, you might make a great social media influencer.
Social media influencers typically have a sense of authority in the area they’re promoting. They’re seen as an expert to their followers, so when the influencer shares, the followers listen. These influencers are prevalent on Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube. However, they can be active on any platform.
It’s important to be consistent in this role. You can’t stop posting everything else just because you have some sponsored content to share. And don’t go off-brand. If you typically post food posts, don’t give a shoutout to a clothing company. Your audience will be confused. Always keep them in mind.
Keep building relationships and trust with your fans. That effort will pay off in better engagement, which often means more pay.
Wrap Your Car with Wrapify
Did you know you can get paid just for driving your car around like normal? And you don’t even have to pick up any passengers or deliver any food. Instead, you wrap it up. Your wrapped vehicle is like a traveling car-shaped billboard. It’s eye-catching, and people take notice. That’s why companies are willing to pay. As you drive around, your car is literally shouting the company name to everyone you pass along the way.
With the Wrapify app, you can quickly start earning. They offer three different levels of coverage: lite, partial, and full. This refers to how much of your car gets wrapped. While your payment will vary based on miles driven and your location, they estimate that payments will range from $196-$452 a month.
There’s an eight-step process to get started:
- Get the app and sign up
- Drive 50 qualifying miles of your normal commute
- Review and accept offers
- Agree to terms and conditions and get a background check
- Take pictures of your car
- Set an appointment for install
- Show up to your appointment on time
- Drive your car like normal and get paid
It’s a simple way to get paid to do something you were going to do anyway.
5 Quick Tips to Help You Earn More Money Promoting Products
To help you make even more money from product promotion, here are five quick tips.
- Never agree to become an ambassador for a company you don’t like. People will be able to see through your acting, and it’ll destroy your reputation. Only promote products you believe in and can stand behind.
- Be genuine in your praise instead of dishing it out lavishly. Talk about the things you wished the product had, or who it won’t work great for. People want to see that you’re balanced.
- Mix it up a bit. Don’t only post sponsored or salesy-type content. Share other types of content so your audience doesn’t feel like all you ever do is sell.
- Remember that your audience is there because of you. They trust you. Always keep them in mind before agreeing to promote a product.
- Give it time. You can’t just link drop and walk away, expecting the money to start rolling in. It’s all about building relationships and providing value. Do those two things, and you will see more sales.
So, check out your favorite brands and learn more about the options you have to promote them. It’s a great way to bring in a little extra cash.